

Nubians awaken from your stupor. Be not afraid of what lies ahead. Freedom is the price of Victory! They, the enemy knows the truth of your origins. Thus, explains their tenaciously atrocious campaign to eradicate us. The truth is frightening, I know. The Christian demonology has blinded us. Soften us. Weakened our mentalities, like watered down versions of our past selves. But our history is written in stone. Embrace it with Alacrity. For it is the Truth. The beacon that will guide us out of damnation and into the light of Blackness. The Blueprint to heaven on Earth. Alkebulan!!! Ancient Egypt “Kemet” before the Arabs and their barbaric deviant practices. Origins. The Original Hue-man. Whom footprint encompasses this entire planet. Our existence cannot be denied. Coded in your DNA, 666 – The Weapon which can and will eventually “eradicate” the evil that surrounds us. Melanin. Blackness from which no light can escape. And this is what truly frightens them. This is our Power!!! Our Birthright!!! 666 Melanin!!!


Black Butterfly

Black Butterfly

Our children are dying
Slaughtered upon amerikkkas streets
Their blood soaks the concrete

A mother cries a tearful song of death
Another Afrikan child
Has taken his last breath

Written off as a statistic
For the caucasian another victory
An endless cycle of genocide
But how can we stem the tide

Made in amerikkka
The afrikan youth
On the brink of extinction
Depraved in the red white and blue

Fighting the odds to becoming a man
Set back in life for taking a stand
The Afrikan males life
From beginning to end
From the ghettoes to the state pen
Than back again

Black on black crime
Ignorance is high
Unknowing or unwittingly
Were’re killing for their side


Private prisons appearing as maggotts
Devouring our souls
A race trapped in an abyss of time
But revolutionaries
A vision to recognize
Knowledge will open doors

On a world where
The Afrikan soars high with eagles
Beyond the atrocities of the ghettoes

Their tentacles of knowledge
Resuscitating our youth
Admonishing them the evils
Of the red white and blue

Slowly emerging
Out of cocoons of ignorance
Thirsting for the knowledge at hand
The Afrikan male
A fearless warrior

Just like you


#PhilandroCastile #StolenLives #SandraBland #TrayvonMartin #EricGarner #MichaelDunn
#OscarGrant #JohnCrawford #JordanDavis #KendrickJohnson #AltonSterling #DontreHamilton #MichaelBrownJr #EzellFord
#DanteParker #TanishaAnderson #AkaiGurley
#TamirRice #RumainBrisbon #JerameReid
#TonyRobinson #PhillipWhite #EricHarris
#WalterScott #FreddieGray #ect

If your name is not on this list yet or others like it
Thank God for his mercy and grace.

My God

Her lips
The beacon that drives me ever
so close. Her eyes what dreams are made of.
Her skin melanated
Emanates perfection
Fertile voluptuous
She is the truth absolute.
None can compare
Not even close
Her carbon the darkness that
Enlightens my world
Her feminity
The source of life
The gateway from which all
sentient beings emerge
Fierce and unperturbed
She is my backbone
My strength
My God
And I
Her weapon of defense

To Love or not to love

To love or not to love

There is no shame in loving. The shame is when we allow ourselves to become void of love, thus, becoming incapable of loving others, for we no longer love ourselves. We all face heartbreak. Its how we endure suffering that etches our essence like forged steel. Good or bad we emerge from suffering learned. We step forward into a new world with new eyes. Like a new born timidly, yet eager to explore new things. And what per chance love is on the horizon, dare we dismiss fortune? Or embrace it like two lovers under a yawning moon. ‘For how could we ever know, if we never even try.’


she came as a breath of fresh air
as beautiful as
morning glory embraced by dew bathing
epiphanic under the yawning sun
gentle as a breeze
her softness
my hallucinogen I
melt in her arms
I am in awe of
her beauty
beautiful melanin
I fell into her spell
with alacrity
coffee black no
sugar no cream
my Queen
envied and persecuted
her essence
the epitome of strength
like coffee black no
sugar no cream
my Queen

My Father

Firm you stand
As an old Oak tree
Rooted in your beliefs

As wise as an eagle
Who’s decisions are as profound as the wind
The same profundity
On which are blown
Your leaves of wisdom
I eagerly rake

Progeny of a strange fruit
I “the blood clot of”

Stand in rank
Amongst these mighty Oaks
In saluted respect

Earnestly seeking your approval
Your acceptance
Your love
My father
Your love
My father
I love